Relationships with our pets can sometimes feel like a marriage.

The moment you put a foot wrong, you’re straight in the doghouse!

It could be something you say, it could be something you do, it could even be something that you didn’t say or do.

Either way, you’ll know when your significant other is feeling slightly irked, annoyed or frustrated.

Our canine companions are no different and there are a number of tell-tale signs they’ll use to communicate their discontentment.

Their methods make it rather apparent, so pet parents will know that they’re not barking up the wrong tree when gauging their dog’s emotions.

The 5 main signs your dog is frustrated or stressed


In all seriousness, our four-legged friends probably don’t have the capacity to hold a grudge against an individual.

Yes, they have feelings, and can express emotion, but feelings of fear, discomfort or distress are largely attributed to a situation.

While they might appear to be taking their mood out on you, they’re more than likely just trying to tell you that something is wrong.


  1. Ignored: Dogs will often display their displeasure by shunning their human companion or giving them the cold shoulder. Should they start distancing themselves from you out of the blue, and they don’t seem interested in having snuggles, then they’re trying to tell you that something is untoward.


  1. The look: ‘If looks good kill’, as the old adage goes. Our beautiful barkers will often look like butter wouldn’t melt, but they can look incredibly judgemental when they want to. Dogs communicate their thoughts and feelings via their body language, so pay attention when they’re giving you the ‘side eye’.


  1. Pawing: Perhaps the number one method for attention-seeking. It could be a prod with a paw, a nudge with the nose, or a slight hit with the head, just anything to make you aware that they require your undivided attention. It could be a means of letting you know how they feel, and they need comforting, or it could be a clever ploy to get a treat.


  1. Dirty protest: If your furry flatmate is urinating and/or defecating where they shouldn’t be doing, and this behaviour is completely out of character, then they’re quite clearly feeling out of sorts. While we can’t condone these acts, it’s important to acknowledge the message they are trying to send. It could be a medical issue or, alternatively, it could just be a cry for help.


  1. Chewing: Have you noticed that your furniture has been attacked, your decorative plants have been mistreated, or your shoes/carpet/clothes have been torn to shreds? Then it’s probably time for an intervention. Your four-legged friend probably isn’t hitting out at you, they’re more than likely letting you know that they’re experiencing feelings of boredom or anxiety.


How to help your dog if it’s showing signs of frustration


Recognising your dog’s insecurities at the earliest opportunity and addressing them is a sure-fire way of easing the stress and strain on your canine companion.


  1. Treats: If you notice that your precious pet is feeling quite vulnerable, fragile or anxious, then try using a snack as a tool to defuse or de-escalate their emotions. A tasty treat will provide a distraction and help them take their mind off what is bothering them.


  1. Creature comforts: Amid the chaos and uncertainty that life can often throw at us, it’s nice to be surrounded by familiar objects that can help bring stress levels down. This is no different for our pets, so provide them with their favourite toys and comforters if their mood takes a hit.


  1. Cuddles: Remember, your best buddy is feeling quite delicate, and perhaps slightly intimidated for whatever reason, so approach with care and caution. Smothering them with love straight away could be somewhat overwhelming and overbearing, so be slow, steady and sympathetic before dishing out the snuggles.


  1. Disassociation: If you can identify the trigger of your dog’s stress, frustration or anxiety, then try to remove/separate them from the cause. Taking them away from uncomfortable and agitated situations will significantly allay their feelings of fear and/or vulnerability.


  1. Space or exercise: This particular remedy is largely dependent on your pet’s persona. Some pups would prefer time and space to recover from their predicament, while others would prefer to let out all their stress through exercise, by getting out in the great outdoors, making the most of the fresh air, and letting everything out.


Should you seek veterinary support if the signs worsen?


If your canine’s condition worsens, then speaking to a professional would be the right course of action.

Many pet parents might even contemplate visiting a vet at the first sign of trouble in order to stem the issue before it has a chance to get out of hand.

A dramatic change in personality or behaviour will require some expert attention as it could signify an underlying medical condition/disorder. Once any health problems have been ruled out then it might be worth enquiring about a behavioural specialist.


Don’t take offence


Pet parents should never take their canine’s out-of-character episodes personally.

The bond between a dog and their human companions is as rock solid and requited as anything else out there.

It might sometimes come across as though our four-legged friends are directing their annoyance and frustration at us.

But they don’t experience and convey emotion in the same way that we do, meaning that their feelings probably aren’t directed towards any individual.

It is highly likely that something has been going on in the background and engineered their unease, stress and anxiety.

Identifying the trigger as soon as possible and addressing the situation is key, while also taking steps to ensure that they’re not put in this position again in the future.

Recognising what’s wrong will allow you to help your dog avoid any potential conflicts, while preventing them from developing more established/damaging fears.

Then they’ll get back to being their normal fun-loving, affectionate, happy and energetic selves in no time!